The client: Kate Dittmeier Holm resides in Old Louisville, is a mother, and a lawyer dedicated to reforming inequitable systems. With a background as a defense and immigration attorney, she advocates for those in need. Kate's commitment to her community led her to pursue local engagement.
The project: Kate approached me to craft a brand that truly reflects her identity to the voters of District 6 in Louisville, KY. Encompassing nine distinct neighborhoods, each with its own character and diversity, District 6 posed a unique challenge. The logo we developed emphasizes Kate's role as a connector, symbolized by the green bar above the "T". Green, known for its positive associations, especially paired with navy, evokes feelings of stability and trustworthiness. This endeavor marked my debut in the political realm, proving to be a fulfilling experience.
The outcome: In a competitive race, Kate secured 26% of the vote, divided among three candidates. While she didn't win, her campaign effectively challenged the incumbent, making a significant impact.

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