The client: The Digital Media Suite (DMS) is a physical space where students and faculty have access to video studio, high-quality microphones and computers for editing. They also have access to student workers who can help with any projects they are working on. Additionally the DMS consults with professors on class projects.
The project: The goal was to highlight the DMS to students and faculty so that it is used more widely. Most people didn't know that it exists and the capabilities it offers. We wanted to engage with faculty to use the services and anyone passing by to know it is there for them to use.
The outcome: The DMS saw a 30% increase in usage after the campaign launched. It included a video on the screen outside of the DMS and a postcard sent to all faculty.
The outcome: The DMS saw a 30% increase in usage after the campaign launched. It included a video on the screen outside of the DMS and a postcard sent to all faculty.
Goal: To highlight the various projects you can work on in the DMS
and get more students/faculty to utilize the facility.
Video created for both a digital screen located in a high traffic area (no sound). The same video is also used on the website for the space.

Postcard design which features a logo I created and icon system of things you can do in the DMS.